irishsultan 8 hours ago

I'm very confused, the author talks about having to charge a device instead of replacing batteries and blames it on Lithium-ion batteries, instead of doing the sensible thing and blaming it on devices with non-replaceable batteries.

The form factor of AA and AAA batteries (which the author prefers) exists with all kinds of chemistries, including Lithium-ion nowadays, you can recharge them, but while you are doing that you can also put new batteries in your device and use it immediately.

  • scrapheap 7 hours ago

    I didn't know there was lithium-ion's in AA and AAA sizes. Any good recommendations?

    • silverquiet 7 hours ago

      They are in those sizes, but they are not AA or AAA replacements because the voltages are different. If you want to use rechargeable batteries in devices made for alkaline batteries, Eneloop branded NI-MH batteries would me my preference, though other brands are also an option.