Show HN: Unblocked To-Do List for iOS and macOS

2 points by yspreen 18 hours ago

Inbox Zero is a system where your inbox is for things you need to do right now. Everything else gets moved to later and you clear your inbox everyday. The Gmail snooze button is really good for this.

This strategy helps me to get things done but what I really need is an inbox zero to-do list app. iPhone reminders doesn't work this way; you can only move items by giving them a due date and this splits all your to-dos into ‘today’ and ‘all.’

The today view has a couple of issues: If a snoozed item is now ‘today,’ and you don't do it immediately, it becomes overdue. All the red text is super anxiety inducing and it makes me never wanna open the app ever again. Secondly, if I ever forget to set a due date on an item, it will never shows up in the today view. I'll forget to do it all together. It really feels like organizing your iPhone Reminder app becomes a chore in and of itself.

So for week 11 of building one app every week I decided to build Unblocked. It's a to-do list app that only shows you the items that you're unblocked on right now. Everything else can be snoozed with one tap.

It synchronizes with Apple Reminders so you have all your to-dos on both your Mac and iPhone and it syncs in real time.